Reveal the inner conditions of your vehicles with live data from telematics and environmental sensors.
Access footage from any of your installed security cameras for cars, in real-time and in the past, or quickly download snippets of video to store and to share.
Locate your vehicles on a map in-the-moment, and get alerted as soon as they cross the thresholds of user-designated areas.
Virtually supervise dozens of drivers from your mouse cursor and keyboard by assigning To-Do tasks, reviewing Hours of Service, reading over DVIRs, and more.
Have a direct line to your drivers with camera two-way calls, seeing, hearing, and speaking to them on the job.
Monitor router activity in your vehicles with in-depth information, such as bandwidth usage and statistics.
Reduce accidents using only up-to-date data from a security camera for cars.
Access your routing directly from inside the EYELOG, eliminating the need to juggle two separate applications.
Achieve a new level of confidence in every single vehicle using a camera in car for security and instant analysis of emergencies.
Easy-to-install cameras help you to build a powerful driver safety system.
External and internal cameras give you complete control of every aspect on the road and inside the vehicle.
Have peace of mind knowing that the security camera in the car is working for you.
Mobility Grade IP camera for Exterior Bus, Light Rail, Heavy Machinery and Trucks